Sunday, April 27, 2014

A Bit of Rest Now

No more carving, printing, and cutting out teeny little houses!!!  Oh wait, that process was actually quite enjoyable.  In fact, I think I might do it again... Although preferably not in exchange for an entire night's sleep.
Regarding the opening reception on Friday, I will say that although the exhibit itself was exciting, I was more thrilled that our show cultivated fellowship... new friends, dear close friends, precious family, loved professors, enthusiastic friends-of-friends, kind strangers, and friendly-looking people... So many lovely, unique things and people, all lovingly-made, packed into that little white gallery space like it was a treasure chest!  Anyone with claustrophobia may not have felt the same way.  Photos and a more details of the final exhibit coming soon!
Meanwhile, wise words from a friend during our conversation this evening: 

"It's not so much what you do, but that you do something." 

As I consider the possible directions I could go after college ends, I'm glad for this reminder to keep exploring, creating, and loving, despite my uncertainty.

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