Sunday, May 3, 2015

One Day in May

Part 1: Toads in the Garden
Stephen and Olivia did a fantastic job weeding and raking the garden bed.  I meant to help, but by the time I stopped playing with the toads they had finished and walked back inside.

 Part 2: Before the Movie

Arriving too late for one showing and too early for the next, we walked around to kill some time.  It was a fortunate chance to exercise before consuming two jumbo popcorns.
The field between the cinema and the next retail store was nice enough.

Part 3:  Chasing the Possum

Alas, when I finally was close to it I realized my phone (thus my camera) was turned off due to previous movie adventure.  

Part 4: Arriving Home

Even after my family goes to bed, there are always gatekeepers watching as I step through the doorway.

Saturday, May 2, 2015


Actually, its a swallow.  I just wanted to give that pun a try.  Not sure it worked.