Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Turn's First Christmas

The Turn Vintage Warehouse has its story, but for another time.  My mother is inspiring and beautiful.  And she knows how to find cool things.
After much hard work, imagination, and teamwork with new friends, an old building in Newport near downtown Cincy is now a charming shop.  Beyond the storefront area, over wood floors and under chandeliers, the rental space awaits.  Rentables (amazing dish-ware, furniture, old books, brass animals, etc) wait ready for lovely birthday bashes, murder mystery parties, elegant receptions... for whatever brilliance people can think up.  

For fellow last-minute Christmas shoppers:

913 Monmouth St.
Newport, KY

The rustic cabinet displaying The Turn's wares is salvaged from the beautiful house in my previous post.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Sister's Birthday Cards

A Dream Home Gone

 My family was among the sentimental creatures scavenging for pieces to take from two old homes on a wonderful plot of land soon to be devoloped.  Our purchases included old doors and weathered wood siding.  Mother found a few art books marked with sketches from the late owner of this property, who was an artist.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Seth Mad

Trees Merely

 Lately I step out and study the trees when I need fresh air.  Branches surrounding our house resemble barbed wire.  Or is it just me who sees this way?  

If I am a captive, it is because I confine myself.  How horrible to think of never escaping from one's self... I shall go back inside and make a cup of tea and curl up on the couch, where I will be safe.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

For the Party

The Last Warm Day of Winter

Hidden things.
We interrupted a herd of deer at the entrance to the park.  Fog spread through the forest and dusk settled in.  We snapped grainy pictures.  Then we went home and made an immense pot of turkey soup and listened to Japanese composer Shigeru Umebayashi.   And I paid Seth a million dollars to use the photo he took of me, and I put it at the end of my blog post.  

Sunday, November 30, 2014


 When you forget your friends' birthdays... you spend a little extra time on their birthday card to distract them from the lateness.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Such a Stork

Unfortunately for my (sadly non-existing) sleep schedule, my mind focuses on a strange story as the clock strikes midnight...
It's a bit rough, so maybe just a draft, and this is only the beginning of the tale.  I want to draw out all the illustrations, but it's nearly 3:00am now and my tea hasn't worked enough magic on me and I'm drifting off (to put it mildly).  But I've gained a little peace of mind this night.  Although I just lost it again since I can't think of a clever way to end this post.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Glad He's Hare

Though excited Seth was home from college, I had trouble staying awake tonight as we all sat around the table talking.  At a few points my eyes were closing with exhaustion and I couldn't even hear what anyone was saying.  When I finally tuned back into the conversation, they were going on and on about Seth's arm hair.  Or someone's arm hair.  I guess I just figured it was Seth's.  Then we talked about many other things.  Then we finally went to bed.  Then everyone else went to bed, and I stayed awake to draw this because... I don't know why.  Well, because all I could think about was Seth's arm hair.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Sisters Found Something to Do 3

(On our way to the forest I was expressing some of my "problems.")
Olivia: "You'll survive."

Perhaps a little unfeeling, but I found her reply extremely more interesting than average sympathy...

There is a lot of beauty and wildness to explore in this world, and surviving sounds amazing right now.  

And a heart in a wild, tangled mess is still an incredible treasure.

"You're Back?"

"Didn't you graduate?"  "Why are you here?"  People were a little surprised to see me at Houghton suddenly.  I told some of them, with a smile, that I just came for a visit.  I told others I came to watch the soccer games and glaze the ceramics I made a year ago.  I think I accidentally responded a few times with "I don't know..."
I wasn't able to catch up with everyone at college, or anyone really.  Many people I didn't even see.  But a few impromptu meals with good friends and the quick hugs and even the passing "hey!"s were much better than nothing.  And I'll have to make another trip back up to fetch those ceramics after they've been fired...
My glazed creations as I left them, bravely awaiting the flames of the kiln.  Meanwhile, thanks to a ride from my friend Erin, I was able to visit my grandmother in Buffalo before I came home.  We went out to a coffee shop and the three of us chatted and laughed over funny stories.  Grandmother and I shared a plate of tiramisu french toast.
By the way, if you are ever in East Aurora, The Taste coffee shop is my favorite place and you should go there.  Everything is delicious and the people are super nice.  They'll only give you the Frankenstein Monster waiting card if its the last one they have, and they'll look you in the eyes and beg you not to take it personally.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Alphabet Shmalphabet

What a nice idea it was.
Alas, I was distracted.  Forgot all about the alphabet project.  Here are the 10 that WERE accomplished (positivity, yay).  Yes, they are in order.  Hm.  You probably can't tell why they match with their letter.  But they do, trust me.  I'll tell you the first three.  Abandoned house, beard, cottontail rabbit.

I definitely need to figure out better ways to focu 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sisters Found Something to Do 2

Conversations during our walk:
Me: "Come look at this log!"
Olivia: "It looks like every other log."
And she was right!!!  All the logs were covered in glorious fungus.

Me: "Didn't I used to be normal once?"
Olivia: "No one's normal."
Me: "If everyone's weird, what do you call people who are a little extra weird?"
Olivia: "Well, there's unique."
Me: "We're not all unique?"
Olivia: "Or not afraid to be yourself."
Me: "I'm very afraid to be myself."
Olivia: "I like you just the way you are."